e hënë, 7 janar 2008

Buildings uploaded for January 7, 2008

Here are the latest uploads to Google’s Cities in Development section of the 3D Warehouse since my last post.

Riverside Farm Institute

A house in Riverside.

New Bern, North Carolina

413 Broad St

300 Block of Middle St.

The 300 Block of Middle St. in Historic Downtown New Bern. Many businesses including the Chelsea Restaurant, Port City Java, Bear Essentials, the Cow Cafe, Quixote Travel, and the Theater.

Office on Pollock St.

Shelburne, Vermont

Welcome Center


Meeting House

Hoexter, Germany

Der Hintere Teil des Stadthauses von Höxter (NRW)

Hoexter, Germany

Domlinden 28

Timisoara, Romania

St. George's Cathedral, Timişoara, Romania

The cathedral's foundation stone was put on 6th of August 1736. It was designed by Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach from Vienna, then Hans Lechner continued the building from 1750. It was finished by two architects from Timişoara, Johann Theodor Kostka and Carl Alexander Steinlein in 1774. The Dome was built in Austrian baroque style and it was dedicated to Saint George, the dioceses patron saint. The picture located at the high altar was painted by Michel Angelo Unterberger, the director of fine arts academy of Vienna, illustrating the patron saint. The side altars were painted by Johann Nepomuk Schöpf in 1772. [1] The precious oil-lamps were made by Josef Moser. The organ was made by Leopold Wegenstein, and it provides an impressive experience for the ears. The cathedrals bells were renewed in Germany in 1998.

Timisoara Hotel, Romania

Hotel Timişoara este un hotel din Timişoara. A fost construit după planurile arhitectului László Székely. Se numea "Pensionul Central". Între 1975-1978 a fost extins şi s-a costruit clădirea nouă.

Gara de Nord Timisoara

Prima clădire a gării a fost construită între anii 1897-1899 iar numele ei iniţial a fost Josefstadter Bahnhof sau Jozsefvaros Indohaz, în traducere „gara din Iosefin”, după numele cartierului timişorean Iosefin, în care se află. După Unirea Banatului cu România şi instaurarea administraţiei româneşti la Timişoara, în 1919, gara a fost redenumită în Gara „Domniţa Elena”, nume pe care l-a purtat până la al doilea război mondial. În timpul războiului ea a fost puternic bombardată de aviaţia aliată. Reconstrucţia s-a făcut după planurile iniţiale, însă în jurul anilor 1970, a fost modernizată şi stilul arhitectural schimbat (din 1976). made by: DieselD , Nutescu Ciprian

Piata 700 din Timisoara

Istanbul, Turkey

AKM Atatürk Kültür Merkezi - Atatürk Cultural Center

Atatürk Cultural Center (Turkish: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi), called also simply as AKM, is a multi-purpose cultural center located in Taksim Square of Istanbul, Turkey. It was designed by Turkish architect Hayati Tabanlioglu. The complex comprises the "Grand Stage", a hall with a 1,307 seat capacity hosting theater acts of Turkish State Theatres and performances of the Turkish State Opera and Ballet, and the "Concert Hall", a second hall with a capacity of 502 seats for concerts, meetings and conferences as well as an exhibition hall of 1,200 m² at the entrance. There are also the "Chamber Theatre" with 296 seats, "Aziz Nesin Stage" with 190 seats and a cinema hall with 206 seats. The center is home to the Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra and Choir (İstanbul Devlet Senfoni Orkestrası ve Korosu), Istanbul State Modern Folk Music Ensemble (İstanbul Devlet Modern Halk Müziği Topluluğu) and Istanbul State Classical Turkish Music Choir (İstanbul Devlet Klasik Türk Müziği Korosu). During the summer and Informationmonths, AKM hosts the Istanbul Arts and Culture Festival. The complex is a rebuilding of the former AKM which was burnt down in a fire on November 27, 1970 during a performance.

Atatürk Kitaplığı - Atatürk Library

Atatürk Kitaplığı İstanbul'un Taksim semtinde Mete Caddesi üzerinde İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi ve Müzeler Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı halka ve özel araştırmacılara hizmet veren bir kitaplıktır. Kütüphane, müze ve sergi salonlarından oluşan bir kültür kompleksi olarak tasarlanmış ancak sadece kütüphane uygulanmıştır. Yapının altıgenlerden oluşan genel şeması yapının mimarı Sedad Hakkı Eldem'in daha önce de sık sık denediği, ama inşa etme olanağı bulamadığı bir tipolojiyi yansıtır. Altıgen geometri üçgen strüktürel ızgara üzerine süperempoze edilmiştir. Kitaplık üç katlıdır. Yönetim, servisleri, kitap bakım, ciltleme vs. kısımları iki yandaki kanatlarda konumlanır. En alt katta bulunan ve altıgen planlı olan kitap deposu yaklaşık 600.000 kitap kapasitelidir. Okuma ve inceleme salonları üstteki iki kattadır. Üst katta altıgen piramit kubbemsi örtüler altında büyük okuma ve katalog salonu bulunmaktadır. Bunlar pleksiglas ışıklıklarla donatılmışlardır. Sergi ve konferans salonu girişin iki tarafındaki kanatlarda yer alır.

Wrocław, Poland

Politechnika Wrocławska – ZCS

Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain

Colegiata de Osuna

En la cúspide de la colina, esta imponente colegiata renacentista (s. XVI) domina la ciudad. Observe la bella portada plateresca. En el interior, la iglesia presenta tres naves, a las que abren varias capillas, y una cabecera barroca dotada de un interesante retablo del mismo estilo con el escudo de los Osuna. Las paredes están adornadas con verdaderas obras maestras: Jesús Nazareno del "divino" Morales, un Cristo de la Misericordia de Juan de Mesa, La Expiración de Cristo, maravillosa tela de José Ribera y un curioso realejo (órgano) del s. XVI que se llevaba en las procesiones.

Arco Rosa

Zurich (Switzerland)


Die Telekurs Holding AG (in der Regel als Telekurs Group bezeichnet) ist ein Schweizer Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Zürich, das weltweit Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen kartenbasierte Zahlungstransaktionen, elektronische Zahlungssysteme und internationale Finanzinformationen anbietet. Das Unternehmen begann 1930 mit der Verbreitung der Kurse der Zürcher Effektenbörse.

Barcelona, Spain

Edificio Ona

Edificio adminitrativo en proyecto que se construirá en la Plaça de les Glòries, en Barcelona, frente al nuevo símbolo de la ciudad, la Torre Agbar. El edificio está formado por una fachada laminar de malla romboidal y está diseñado por el estudio de arquitectura Soriano & Asociados. Tendrá 74 metros de altura y 20 plantas.

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Arena Boulevard

Arena Boulevard is a shopping centre in Amsterdam Zuidoost (Southeast). The Boulevard is located next to the Amsterdam Arena, the stadium of AFC Ajax, one of the most famous footballclubs in the Netherlands.

Asunción, Paraguay

Edificio Icono

Edificio de 137 Metros y 37 plantas que se encuentra en construcción. El edificio se finalizara en Diciembre de 2008 y sera el más alto de Paraguay.

Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires

Edificio Bunge & Born

Mar del Plata, Argentina


Piedra Buena

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