e enjte, 9 gusht 2007

Buildings Uploaded on August 9,2007

Here are the buildings uploaded since my last post.

Adelaide, South Australia

Rundle Lantern (Corner Pulteney and Rundle Street - Adelaide)

Rundle Lantern will be made up of 714 rectangular panels, each incorporating an LED (light emitting device) system, affixed on the Northern and Western facades of the Council’s Rundle Street UPark, covering almost 40% of the building.

Warsaw, Poland

The Royal Castle

Wuppertal / Germany


Messina, Sicily Italy.

Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata dei Catalani di Messina.

Prospetta sulla piazzetta Lepanto di fronte al tardocinquecentesco monumento a Don Giovanni D'Austria di Andrea Calamech, eretta tra XII e XIII secolo sotto Guglielmo il Buono, forse sui resti di un preesistente tempio pagano, e così denominata perché sede della Confraternita dei mercanti catalani. In essa, massima espressione dell'arte arabo-normanna in Sicilia, si fondono magnificamente gli stili bizantino, romanico, arabo e normanno, come appare dalla parte absidale, con transetto sormontato da una cupoletta cilindrica al arcate cieche su colonnine e strette finestre, in un gioco cromatico di geometrie armoniche e vivaci.

Klaipeda, Lithuania

Rimi prekybos centras

Madrid, Spain

Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid

El Círculo de Bellas Artes (CBA) es un importante centro cultural de Madrid, fundado en 1880 gracias a los esfuerzos de un reducido grupo de artistas y que continuó reuniendo a principios del s. XX a intelectuales tales como Jacinto Benavente, Picasso o Valle-Inclán. El edificio, creado en 1919 por el arquitecto Antonio Palacios surge de una combinación de formas y estilos, sobre todo en su fachada lateral, en la que distintas fachadas se unen para formar una sola. En ella se mezclan elementos clásicos y modernos, sobre todo de Art Decó. En su interior, la planta se divide en tres ejes paralelos a la calle Alcalá, con un amplio salón de estancia, el acceso principal, el vestíbulo, la escalera monumental y el teatro como elementos destacados de este edificio plurifuncional. Actualmente este edificio se utiliza para actos culturales tales como esposiciones, espectáculos, cine, etc.

Stockholm, Sweden

Ludvigsberg 3

This building is located at the widely known Münchenbryggeriet in Stockholm, Sweden. It was built in 1889-1893 and was part of Münchenbryggeriet when it was a tile factory. Now the building is an offie complex and is a part of Ludvigsberg 3 at the adresses Södermälarstrand 25-79 and Torkel Knutssonsgatan 2. Model made by Stefan Larsson, larstefan@gmail.com

Montevideo y Punta del Este Uruguay

World Trade Center Montevideo

Coral Tower

City of Cheney, Washington

513 1st Street - Downtown Historic District - Cheney

(ca. 1929) Although this building was not constructed until about 1929, it appears to have been built on a stone foundation that existed as early as 1891. The original brick cladding of the front façade is visible above and to either side of the storefront, although the storefront has been extensively altered with new windows, doors and siding. The building does have a full dirt basement and a stone foundation. This building housed the Cheney Post Office about 1939.

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