Here are the buildings uploaded to Google's Cities in Development in the 3D warehouse. since my last post.
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Water Tower
Water Tower is built in 1960 Kaohsiung City for the water supply of Linya Distric. But ever since the incorrect design rises after the tower built, it's been abandoned for dozens of years. At year 2003 finally it's been modified and opened to the citizens shows the transformation of this structrue into a public art by the effort of Kaohsiung City Government, now that makes it a brand new park in the city.
Manhattan Financial Plaza
Manhattan Financial Plaza is constructed by the "Far East Group". The building use blue glass wall which connected to the waterfront location of it makes it magnificant while reflecting the sky and water.
Taiwan Leader Enterprise Tower 1
Taiwan Leader Enterprise Tower 1 is built by the pier 14 of Kaohsiung Harbor, and it's one the the Taiwan Leader Enterprise twin tower.
Taipei, Taiwan
Shin Kong Xinyi Jasper
Dortmund German
Dortmund Brackel (part 1)
Nürnberg, Deutschland
Sinwellturm - Kaiserburg Nürnberg
The Sinwellturm is the highest tower of the Nuremberg Imperial Castle. He was built in the 2. half of the 13th century and is placed on a rock next to the dividing wall between Imperial Castle and former Burggrafen-Castle. In the 16th Century, he was increased, and adapted at the appearance of the 4 "thick" City-gate towers.
Heidenturm und Burgkapelle - Kaiserburg Nürnberg
The Pagantower and the subsequent romanesque double-chapel was built in the late 12 century probably under Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and his successors. The term "Pagantower" dates from the early 16th Century, when the existing typical romanesque wall decorations was interpreted as "pagan" images and statues and were largely removed. At the lower floor of the tower are still some parts of this wall decorations preserved. At the south side, the external castle-wall falls much deeper to the ground than can be displayed in Google Earth.
Walpurgiskapelle - Kaiserburg Nürnberg
The Walpurgiskapelle was the castle chapel of the former Burggrafenstraße castle next to the Kaiserburg Nuremberg. The oldest parts of the chapel are built in romanesque time. (12th or 13th century.) At the south side, the external tower-wall falls much deeper to the ground than can be displayed in Google Earth. From the place between Sinwellturm and Walpurgiskapelle, the so-called "Freiung", there is a wonderful sight upon the Nuremberg old City.
Lucerne (Switzerland)
Lisbon, Portugal
Atrium Saldanha
Atrium Saldanha is a shopping centre located in Duque de Saldanha square, in Lisbon, Portugal. In the bottom floors it has many shops and restaurants, while the top floors are exclusively used as offices for various companies. It was designed by architects João Paciência and Ricardo Bofille, and has won the Valmor e Municipal Architecture prize in 2001.
Istanbul, Turkey
Katowice, Poland
Katowice os."Gwiazdy" pawilon
Katowice - Drapacz Chmur
Drapacz Chmur (English: Skyscraper) is a historical building in Katowice, Silesia, Poland. It was the first skyscraper built in post-World War I Poland. Finished in 1934 after five years of construction, it made pioneering Polish use of steel frame construction. Today, Drapacz Chmur is considered the most spectacular and beautiful example of functionalism in Poland. The building has seventeen stories, fourteen above the ground, and contained one of the first garbage chutes in Poland. It is 60 m tall and until 1955, it was the highest building in the country. It was designed by architect Tadeusz Kozłowski and structural engineer Stefan Bryła to house Polish Revenue Office employees. The flats are spacious and luxurious. Gustaw Holoubek and Kazimierz Kutz were among the building's notable residents after World War II.
hamburg / germany
Polizeikommissariat 25
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Concertgebouw (NOT DONE)
Magere Brug
Dublin, Ireland
Digital Depot
Belém - Brazil
Mangueirão Stadium
Caixa d'agua de São Braz
Pedro Carneiro Tower
La Plata, Argentina
La Plata - Monumento a San Martin (Plaza San Martin)
Santiago of Chile
Estadio Monumental
El Estadio Monumental es el estadio del C.S.D. Colo Colo, cuya cancha esta bautizada como David Arellano en honor a el fundador del club. Fue inaugurado oficial y definitivamente el 30 de Septiembre de 1989, con un partido donde Colo Colo vencio a Peñarol de Uruguay 2 por 1, con goles de Marcelo Barticciotto y Leonel Herrera hijo. Esta ubicado en Av. Marathon 5300, Macul; en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile.
Tower Industry
The Tower of Industry was built in 1994, has 33 floors and measures 120 metres in height This model has real textures. Translated with Google Translator
Arequipa, Peru
Sencico Escuela Superior - Arequipa
Lima, Peru
edificio america
Amherst, Massachusetts
UMass Creamery Building, Fearing Street, Amherst
Dorsey Memorials, Main Street, East Amherst
Davenport, Iowa
New Ventures Center
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Enterprise Square
Built in 1939 by the Hudson's Bay Company, in 2007 a major renovation and addition occured to transform it into Enterprise Square - the downtown campus and offices of the University of Alberta. Enterprise Square is also acting as the temporary home of the Art Gallery of Alberta while the Gallery's new facility is under construction. CityTV and the Bounce radio station also occupy space in the building.
Don Wheaton Family YMCA and Manulife II Parkade
e mërkurë, 26 dhjetor 2007
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