Buildings uploaded for November 9, 2007
Here are the latest uploads to Google’s Cities in Development section of the 3D Warehouse since my last post.
Adelaide, South Australia
Citi Centre Building (Adelaide)
Pretoria, South Africa
Standard Bank Centre Van Der Waltstreet 221 Premium Towers Trust Bank Centre Central House City Centre Truworths Standard Bank Centre
Shanghai, China
Bangalore, India
Nagoya, Japan
Braunschweig, Germany
Mutter Habenicht V1.0
01-18 Hofapotheke
04-17 Bürgerhaus am Hohetorwall
01-24 Sankt Martins-Kirche
Die Martinikirche in Braunschweig wurde im 12. Jahrhundert als Pfarrkirche des Weichbildes Altstadt errichtet (Baubeginn 1190/1195). Als Initiator gilt Heinrich der Löwe. Sie ist die einzige mittelalterliche doppeltürmige Kirche in Braunschweig mit vollendetem Westwerk.Die ursprüngliche Form bestand wie beim Braunschweiger Dom in einer romanischen Pfeilerbasilika, die später durch Hinzufügung gotischer Seitenschiffe zwischen 1250 und 1400 zu einer Hallenkirche ausgebaut wurde. 1400 erfolgte dann der Anbau des Chorabschlusses sowie 1434 der Anbau der Annenkapelle. Von der romanischen Bauphase sind der Westbau mit Teilen einer romanischen Glockenstube sowie die beiden westlichen, beim Umbau versetzten Seitenschiffportale erhalten.Zwischen 1722 und 1725 entstand der von Anton Detlev Jenner aus Marmor und Alabaster geschaffene, vollständig erhaltene barocke Hochaltar.In den Jahren 1897 bis 1899 führte Max Osterloh umfangreiche Erneuerungen durch. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg brannte der Dachstuhl und das Westwerk vollständig aus. Der Innenraum der Kirche jedoch blieb weitestgehend vom Feuer verschont. Die Martinikirche in Braunschweig birgt mit der Adlerglocke (Gewicht: 5.000 kg, Schlagton: fis°) die größte Glocke des Braunschweiger Landes.
Boise, Idaho,
Boise Downtown
Capital City Development Corporation -CCDC- is an independent public development agency serving as a catalyst for quality private development through urban design, economic development and infrastructure investment with a goal of building vitality in downtown Boise. The 3D model of Boise was created to help developers, planners and the public visualize the future of Boise.
Boise Downtown
Boise Downtown
Boise Downtown
Boise Downtown
Davenport, Iowa
Renwick Building
The Renwick Building (largest building in the model) was built in 1897 and was initially used by Davenport Furniture. It was later occupied by Drake Furniture & Carpet, and the Iowa Furniture & Carpet Co. The Renwick has strikingly large windows and very tall ceilings (16ft for 1st and 2nd floor, 14ft for 3rd and 4th floors) It was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1983 as an example of the Chicago Commercial Style. The building south of the Renwick is the Eagal Building was constructed around 1900 and the Winecke Building (farthest south) was constructed around the same time. Information provided by
Federal Building
The Federal Building designed by Seth J Temple was built in 1933. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2004 as an excellent example of the influences of twentieth century Moderne movement in a federal building. Information provided by
Wells Fargo Building
The Wells Fargo Building was built in 1927, and was originally known as the American Commercial and Savings Bank. It is made of limestone over a steel frame and built in the Classical Revival style. An annex and a parking garage were added later. The bank is the tallest building in the Quad-Cities area. The building was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1983. Information Provided by
Sacramento, California
California State Capitol
Constructed in the Neoclassic style, the California State Capitol building is located in Sacramento, California and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Architect M. Frederic Butler designed the Capitol. Built between the years 1861 and 1874, it houses the California State Legislature and the Office of the Governor of California.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Air Canada Center
Situated just next to the skyscrapers of downtown Toronto, the Air Canada Center is commonly referred to as The ACC. It is the home of the NHL Toronto Maple Leafs and the NBA Raptors. Brisbin, Brook, Beynon Architects designed the building.
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