e hënë, 24 shtator 2007

Buildings uploaded for September 24, 2007

Here are the latest uploads to Google’s Cities in Development section of the 3D Warehouse since my last post.


Tokyo World Trade Center


Die Hohentorskirche in der Bremer Neustadt - Ev. Hohentorsgemeinde Bremen

Braunschweig, Germany

05-15 BBS IV

05-18 BBS III

01-21 technisches Rathaus

01-02 Media-Markt


Un progetto per lo stadio "Alberto Picco" della Spezia – ITALY

La mia personale idea (o sogno?) per il nuovo stadio "Alberto Picco" della Spezia, home of the Spezia Calcio. Lo stadio sorge sopra una grande struttura in cemento armato che racchiude il nuovo sottopasso di via Fieschi e un grande parcheggio sotterraneo. Il grande piazzale all'interno del quale sorge la struttura risponde alle nuove normative e permette un rapido deflusso degli spettatori. Le tribune, strutturate su due anelli rettangolari capaci di una capienza di circa 18.000 spettatori seduti, richiamano la tipica geometria degli stadi "all'inglese" con estrema vicinanza al campo da gioco. Sei strutture sospese alla copertura di alluminio contengono l'impianto per l'illuminazione e quello di audio diffusione; un grande schermo è posto sopra la curva "piscina". sopra l'imbocco sud del sottopasso è posta una fontana con aiuola. il sogno finisce con lo spezia ancora in serie B... FORZA AQUILE!!!.

Granada, Spain

Casa de "El Americano"

Conjunto residencial de tres inmuebles de renta de similar diseño arquitectónico, que dan apariencia de ser una única edificación. Ocupa la última manzana definida en el proyecto de apertura de la Gran Vía, cuya forma triangular dispone alzados a Tinajilla, la propia Gran Via y Profesor Emilio Orozco. El conjunto fue proyectado en 1912 por Francisco Prieto Moreno y consta de planta baja, entreplanta y cuatro superiores, con tratamiento achaflanado de las esquinas, salvo en la confluencia de Gran Vía con Tinajilla, que adopta la forma de pabellón angular. Es uno de los bellos ejemplos de la arquitectura modernista en Granada.

Centro Aliatar Cinemas

Edificación que alberga tres salas de cine y varias tiendas de ropa. Su estilo responde a un leguaje historicista contenido conforme al proyecto elaborado por Francisco Prieto-Moreno en 1942. El edificio destaca de su entorno por el esgrafiado rojo y blanco de formas lobuladas que recorre la superficie de sus tres fachadas.

Madrid, Spain

Museo Thyssen Bornemisza

The Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza is an art gallery in Madrid. It is known as a part of the "Golden Triangle of Art", which also includes the Prado and the Reina Sofia galleries. The Thyssen-Bornemisza fills the historical gaps in its counterparts' collections: in the Prado's case this includes fine examples of Italian primitives and works from the English, Dutch and German schools, while in the case of the Reina Sofia the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection includes impressionists, expressionists, and European and American paintings from the second half of the 20th century. The collection started in 1920 as a private collection by the late Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza (1921–2002). He assembled most of the works from his relatives' collections and proceeded to acquire large numbers of new works to produce what is one of the world's finest private art collections. In 1985, the Baron married Carmen Cervera and introduced her to art collecting. Carmen's influence was decisive in persuading the Baron to decide on the future of his collection and cede the collection to Spain. The museum was opened in 1992 after an agreement was reached between the Baron and the Spanish government. A year later the collection was bought outright. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Schiphol Gates E

Adelaide, South Australia

Spire Living Apartments (Adelaide)

Spire Living, 105m 33 Level Apartment building which has been approved by the city council and will be built in Bentham Street, Adelaide.

Capital City Development (Adelaide)

100 Storey Vision (Adelaide)

Not proposed, but a vision by a prominent Adelaide architect presented to the premiers office in 2007. 500m, 100storeys mixed use tower.

Hartford, Connecticut,

CT Transit Ticket Booth

Old State House Square

St Louis, Missouri

University City City Hall

Brookings Hall, Washington University in St. Louis

Toronto, Canada

TTC Scarborough Rapid Transit (McCowan to Midland)

Model of the northern section of the Scarborough Rapid Transit light metro line located in the eastern Toronto suburb of Scarborough. Shown here are the elevated tracks and three stations, from east to west: McCowan, Scarborough Centre, and Midland. Scarborough Centre station is an important local and regional bus terminal for Scarborough and the eastern part of Toronto.

Regent Park South (2)

Regent Park is a social housing project located in the city of Toronto. The southern half of the Regent Park community is composed of five high-rise apartment towers, two of which are shown in this file. Designed by Page + Steele Architects.

OCAD Sharp Centre for Design

The Sharp Centre for Design at the Ontario College of Art and Design is one of the new landmark buildings in Toronto. Designed by architect Will Alsop, the Sharp Centre is nicknamed the "Flying Tabletop". Completed in 2004.

TTC Kennedy Station

Kennedy Station is a subway station located in Toronto's eastern suburb of Scarborough. It is the eastern terminus of the Toronto Transit Commission's Bloor-Danforth Subway, and the southern terminus of the Scarborough RT light metro line. It is a major bus terminal in Scarborough and also has large commuter parking lots. GO Transit's Kennedy train station is located next to Kennedy station.

MaRS Centre

MaRS (originally stood for "Medical and Related Sciences") Centre is an office, scientific research/development and conference complex located in downtown Toronto's "Discovery District". The complex incorporates the College Street wing of Toronto General Hospital, a heritage building.

The Omni

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