Buildings uploaded for October 19, 2007
Here are the latest uploads to Google’s Cities in Development section of the 3D Warehouse since my last post.
Wellington City, New Zealand
Westpac Trust Statium Wellington, "The Caketin"
Shaped like a giant spaceship the newest sporting development in Wellington New Zealand is a 34 500 seat stadium. A design by Warren & Mahoney Architects (WAM) with Holmes Consulting Group designing the structure to withstand the unusually high wind and seismic loads typical of New Zealand's capital city. The total project value was US$50 million and opened on New Years eve 1999. The stadium accommodates the regions rugby football matches, and also provides a world class Cricket venue for the summer code.
Zagreb, Croatia
Meštrović Pavilion
Description Meštrović je rođen u Vrpolju u Slavoniji, ali je svoje djetinjstvo proveo u selu Otavice u Dalmaciji. Kao dijete, Meštrović je slušao epsku poeziju, narodne pjesme i povijesne balade, dok je čuvao ovce. Rođen je u seoskoj katoličkoj obitelji, a njegova religioznost oblikovala se pod utjecajem pučke religioznosti, Biblije i kasnog Tolstoja. Sa šesnaest godina, Harold Bilinić, kamenorezac iz Splita, prepoznao je njegov dar i uzeo ga je za šegrta. Njegov umjetnički talent razvio se gledanjem znamenitih građevina Splita, uz pomoć pri školovanju Bilinićeve supruge, koja je bila profesor u srednjoj školi. Uskoro, pronašli su jednog bečkog vlasnika rudnika, koji je financirao Ivanovo preseljenje i školovanje u Beču. Morao je u najkraćem roku naučiti njemački i prilagoditi se novoj sredini, ali je uprokos brojnim problemima završio studij.
Braunschweig, Germany
01-32 Geschäftshaus am Bohlweg 6
01-32 Geschäftshaus am Bohlweg 7
01-32 Geschäftshaus am Bohlweg 8
01-32 Geschäftshaus am Bohlweg 9
01-32 Geschäftshaus am Bohlweg 10
01-32 geschäftshaus am Bohlweg 11
01-32 Geschäftshaus am Bohlweg 12
01-32 Geschäfthaus am Bohlweg 13
01-32 Gechäftshaus an der Ecke Langer Hof – Bohlweg
03-01 Geschäfts- und Wohnhaus Ecke Steinweg/Bohlweg
Barcelona, Spain
Casa dels Canonges, Barcelona
[CAT] La Casa dels Canonges, unida al Palau de la Generalitat per un pont neogòtic sobre el carrer del Bisbe(de Joan Rubió i Bellver, 1928), és la residència oficial del President de la Generalitat. El conjunt d'edificis que la conformen va servir de residència als canonges de la Seu en abandonar la vida claustral al s. XIV; durant els 1920's Rubió i Jeroni Martorell la restauraren i reformaren. *** [ESP] La Casa dels Canonges, unida al Palau de la Generalitat por un puente neogótico sobre la calle del Bisbe (de Joan Rubió i Bellver, 1928), es la residencia oficial del President de la Generalitat. El conjunto de edificios que la conforman sirvió de residencia a los canónigos de la Seo al abandonar la vida claustral en el s. XIV; durante los 1920's Rubió y Jeroni Martorell la restauraron y reformaron. *** [ENG] The Casa dels Canonges, linked to the Palau de la Generalitat by a Neogothic bridge over Bisbe street (by Joan Rubió i Bellver, 1928), is the official residence of the President de la Generalitat. This group of buildings was once the residence of the Cathedral canons, when they abandoned cloister live in the 14th c.; in the 1920's Rubió and Jeroni Martorell restored and reformed it.
Autonoma de Buenos Aires
Edificio Liberty Argentina
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