e enjte, 6 mars 2008

Buildings uploaded for March 6, 2008

Here are the latest uploads to Google’s Cities in Development section of the 3D Warehouse since my last post.

Tel Aviv, Israel

Park Plaza Orchid Hotel

The Park Plaza Orchid Hotel (fomerly Yamit Hotel) is a complex of two buildings on the seashore of Tel Aviv. It is located right next to the American embassy. The seaside part of the building host some very popular travellers bars, like 'Mike's Place' and 'Buzz Stop', as well as a local branch of Mcdonalds and KFC. MetroScape is constantly building quality 3D models of buildings from around the world to be placed upon the Google earth platform. You can enhance your company's visibility today by joining the 3D revolution at MetroScape.

Rogovin Tidhar Tower

Taipei, Taiwan

Ruentex Building

hamburg / germany

3dHH_DWI-/Astra-Tower Hamburg 18st,70m, 2008 (3d-PDF)

Rome, Italy

Theatre of Marcellus

The Theatre of Marcellus (Latin: Theatrum Marcelli; Italian: Teatro di Marcello) is an ancient edifice in the rione of Sant'Angelo, Rome, providing one of the city's many popular spectacles or tourist sites. It was named after Marcus Marcellus, Emperor Augustus's nephew, who died five years before its completion. Space for the theatre was cleared by Julius Caesar, who was murdered before it could be begun; the theatre was so far advanced by 17 BC that part of the celebration of the ludi saeculares took place within the theatre; it was completed in 13 BC and formally inaugurated in 12 BC by Augustus.

Temple of Apollo Sosianus

The Temple of Apollo Sosianus (previously known as the Apollinar and the temple of Apollo Medicus) is a Roman temple dedicated to Apollo in the Campus Martius, next to the Theatre of Marcellus and the Porticus Octaviae, in Rome, Italy. Its present name derives from that of its final rebuilder, Gaius Sosius. The three columns of the temple which survive to full-height today belong to the Augustan rebuild, but the cult of Apollo had existed in this area since at least to the mid 5th century BC when an Apollinar (a sacred grove or altar) was recorded on this site. The first temple building dates to 431 BC, when the consul Gnaeus Iulius Mento inaugurated one dedicated to Apollo Medicus (the doctor), in fulfilment of a vow to him during a plague of 2 years earlier. A radical reconstruction was begun by Gaius Sosius, probably just after his triumph in 34 BC. Upon the construction of the theatre of Marcellus soon afterwards the temple's frontal staircase was demolished and replaced with two staircases on the sides of the "pronaos".

The Netherlands

Woningen in Transvaal, Den Haag

The two dwelling towers of six and eight levels form a ‘gate’ from the shopping street to the urban park. They contain thirty-five apartments in the upper part and 900 m2 shopping area on the ground level. On the other side of the park a half open building block has been restored by attaching a new estate of twelve four-level city apartments and a slightly higher block of nine apartments and shops beneath. Build: 2004 Architects: ir. Peter Jansen Schoonhoven ir. Rob Wilhelmy Damsté Piet R.J. Grouls

Wijkteam- en districtskantoor Linnaeusstraat, Politie Amsterdam

Two police stations, a parking lot, an employee’s restaurant and a cellblock are positioned in an even brick cover that reflects the surrounding scale of the city. The brick building is positioned next to a train viaduct at a busy access road of Amsterdam. Its scale, position and the treatment of the façade keep balance between a builder’s block and an object. Even though the brick facade structure is very abstract, the parking lot, corner windows and the changing fulfilment of the wooden window sills accomplish the result of a lively and expressive appearance. The extra windows positioned in the façade openings of the offices make it possible to open the windows despite high noise exposure. This also reduces the amount of maintenance of the transparent varnished window sills. Thanks to these differentiating additions and the absence of the window sills on the street corner at the entrance, the brick cover shows traces of the inside; for instance the access ramps of the garage wrapping themselves halfway up the building. The façade is of ambiguous character; it seems to be hiding the program, yet it actually shows its very physical projection. It is a filter, yet also a screen, build up with ingredients of the urban surroundings. Build: 2003 Architect: Piet R. J. Grouls

Bogota, Colombia

Torres Unidas 1

La Plata, Argentina

Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo - FCNyM - Unlp

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